As our own admissions authority, King Ethelbert School is required under the School Admissions Code 2021 to review its admissions policy annually and to consult on arrangements from time to time. The code requires consultation in the following circumstances. 1. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements (including any supplementary information form) that will apply for admission applications the following school year. 2. Where the admission arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult, subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.
As a consultation has not taken place within the timescale of 7 years this is now required.
With the above in mind please see link for the Admission Criteria for September 2025.
Those seeking an "in year" admission need to download and complete the In Year Admisson Request Form and return it to the school.
In Year Admission Request Form
Admission Arrangements September 20252024 KCC Secondary Scheme Statement2025 FAQs High Schools Main Round AppealsSecondary School Appeal Form 20252024 Secondary Admissions Generic Defence